Department of

Electrical and Electronics Engineering 


The mission of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is first to support future engineers to develop and build their careers in the field of electrical and electronics engineering. Graduates will be successfully able to integrate the fundamentals of electrical and electronics engineering with design/implementation practices to develop innovative solutions to complex technological problems. They will work as professional engineers or participate in graduate university programs in electrical and electronics engineering or other related fields.

Future graduates

Future graduates are prepared to embrace new ideas, methods and changes promoting inspiration, innovation, creativity, and risk-taking. Graduates are prepared for long-life learning, to work efficiently, be aware of ethics, to possess excellent communication skills, to outshine in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams, and to have an appreciation of non-technical disciplines.


The department encourages contribution to workshops, conferences, and seminars that are relevant to its curricular and pedagogical needs which are likely to lead to appropriate change.



The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering provides laboratory environment that is attractive, serviceable, and promotes a sense of community among students with the assurance that the state of the art laboratory facilities are functional, available, and accessible to the students. More... 


At present, the department offers the following programs:


Potential Fields of Work

Graduates with a degree from the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering will have best job prospects in the following fields: